Posts, research, articles, and more from across the desk…

Posts, research, articles, and more from across the desk…

Find here a collection of my latest posts, the research I have found at my desk on Inclusive Publishing, and information about the organisations I adore, and more.
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Blog Feed

  • Is my manuscript ‘inclusive’?
    Is my manuscript ‘inclusive’? I was pretty proud of my picture book Spotty Dotty, released late in 2019, for two key reasons. One, it was my first independently published book, and two, because I was confident my ebook was inclusive.  After punching my e-pub file through the DAISY Consortium’s Ace desktop software1 to assess how well the file meets inclusivity standards, I received a report that detailed 37 catastrophic failures. Oh! That rather damning report and confidence knock did have a silver lining. The majority of failures would never have resulted had I made a few considerations for the final Continue Reading →

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